ndfoodmanagers CertUse

eFoodhandlers is a respected source for quality food safety training across the US. When you complete your course, you are issued a Certificate ID along with an issue date that signifies you have successfully completed eFoodhandlers Basic Food Safety course with a passing test score. The expiration date of the Certificate indicates the period of time the information from this course is generally retained as established by food industry professionals. It is recommended that the course be repeated at the end of the expiration date in order to refresh and reinforce your knowledge.

eFoodhandlers does not place restrictions on how their Certificates are used. Unless specified on the Course Overview page, eFoodhandlers does not associate their Certificate as a license or permit, or satisfying any regulatory purpose. In the case where no regulatory purpose is specified, it is up to your local jurisdiction to make any determination of applicability based upon their rules and your job function.

If you ever have questions as to how an eFoodhandlers Certificate relates to your local requirements for your job, you should contact your Environmental Health department.